service raise meaning in English
- The trusted third party is called certification authority ( ca ) . the ca identifies the user s identity by issuing a id certificate which contains a number of checked identity information about the person to whom it refers , the information include : serial number , identity of ca issuer , starting and ending dates for the certificate , identity of holder , public key of holder etc . however , the provision of identity services raises a number of legal issues which are only being considered by legislators , for instance , the establishment of the ca , the scope of the ca s liability , the limitation of the ca s liability , the reciprocal recognition of certificate issued by different ca which locates different countries
认证制度的核心问题,就在于寻找一个可信赖第三方( tustedthirdpap )来解决数字签名证书的分发问题。目前,通行的做法是设立一个身份认证机构( certificationauthorityca ) 。数字证书是载有数字签名人即数字证书持有人基本信息(包括姓名名称、经营场所、资信状况、 - The changing competitive environment and the growing involvement of the banking industry in a broader range of financial products and services raises the question of the hkma s involvement in consumer issues . although the hkma already plays a role in this area , as witnessed by its involvement in the preparation of the code of banking practice , it is still predominantly a prudential regulator